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Program info
Monthly meetings (not December)
are held either in a hybrid setting (in-person and via zoom), virtual, or in-person only. Meetings are split into:
Business & Show and Tell meetings
A great time to share tips and tricks, hear updates on our traveling exhibits, show finished and unfinished work, and hear news on what is going on in the art quilt world. A great time to mix and mingle and socialize!. There is always something exciting going on in this active group.
These meetings take place roughly every 3 months.
"Activity Meetings"
Examples of fiber art related topics have been cyano and sun-printing, Indigo dying, animal eye drawings, Eco and rust dying, snow and ice dying, and much more...a great time to bring some materials and get active... learn from experience of other members and get inspired.
For program topics and zoom link contact
Meeting location:
Library of Unitarian Universalist Church
1301 Gladewood Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Meeting dates:
Third Sunday of the month
Meeting time:
1 pm: set up and social time
1.30 pm meeting starts
For membership info click HERE
Once you get on Glade Road, go past the back of the Kroger store, and start looking for Lark Lane. It comes up quickly.
Go left on Lark, then right on Gladewood Drive. You will be driving through a residential neighborhood, but you will soon see a sign on your left for the church. There is plenty of parking space.
As you’re looking at the front of the building (double doors) the library entrance is around to the left side. Look for the blue arrows pointing you to the handicap entrance, walk along the side of the building under the wide eve of the roof and enter through the propped open door. We are just around the corner to your left.
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